- Improve Operational Efficiency
- Increase Resource Efficiency
- Increase overall inventory accuracy
- Strengthen project inventory precision
- Boost Service Quality
- Reduce labor costs
- Track Individual Stock/Item
MULTIPLE WAREHOUSES Make your complete Inventory Control System with Multi-Warehouse Inventory Management. We created WMS for the Ecommerce merchant to help efficiently manage their inventory across multiple countries, stores and warehouses. Multi-Warehouse Inventory Management is constantly under development to meet the demands of the industry. MULTIPLE PROJECTS In today’s fast paced business world, it’s likely that you’ll have more than one thing to work on at any given time. To continually succeed, you need to know how to manage multiple projects at once. To achieve this, multiple project handling is required. UNIQUE BARCODE SCAN To ensure that each and every product or item will be contain a unique number with a specific serial number in the beginning to confirm whether the product is delivered correctly or if it is damaged it would help them to follow up & return. The major reason to have a UNQ Barcode is to manage the availability of the product/item in the warehouse. STOCK & BULK TRANSFER A bulk transfer is done when a customer is requested to move all his products to a particular store or warehouse. AD-HOC REPORTS The reports are created by business end-users. With this model, users can use their reporting and analysis solution to answer their business questions “as the occasion requires,” without having to request queries from IT. Ad-hoc report contains Issuance Report, Receiving Report, OSD, Transfer, Adjustment, Balance Report and Return to Supplier, Store. We also provide other important reports like Material Movement & Historical data. USER ACCESS CONTROL VIA UI The Dashboard is made with a Rich UI design which fulfils all the user requirements and makes them feel easy to access. Admin is provided with an exclusive feature where he could decide the roles of each an ever user and add the screen access accordingly. ASSET TRACKING Warehouse Asset Tracking will allows warehouse admin to have complete visibility of the entire items of the warehouse and be able to better manage and optimize inventory.